Keeping It Real (KIR) Foundation is a disability-inclusive organisation that advocates for persons with disabilities to be given a seat at the table and be involved in all developmental and socio-economic issues. Also, they run a disability-inclusive centre that provides free services ( they have a resource room where people come to read and learn digital skills); they provide paid volunteer/internship opportunities for youth and they ensure that the projects that they embark on are sustainable through mutually beneficial partnerships.
KIR Foundation is a non profit making organization with a major objective of inspiring change through learning by giving books, teaching skills and advocating the rights of their beneficiaries, especially those with disabilities. In the past 10 years, through their education, advocacy, capacity and sustainable development programs; they have worked with about 120 institutions in Nigeria; reaching over 34,046 people with their projects, donated over 27,833 books, numerous educational aids, starter kits, farming implements and published; The Young Leaders Guide, a leadership manual for youth and About Empathy an advocacy Guide for the Disability Act.