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- January 28, 2021
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It’s easy to get lost in the Technology world today because of how wide the industry is and to fit in, you may be tempted to be everywhere trying to fit in learning every and anything in Technology. There’s also the thought that you don’t know where the next opportunity may arise, so you keep reaching out and connecting with everyone who promises you a technology miracle.
Apart from the exhaustion that comes with wanting to do everything, it’s hard to see tangible results when you haven’t put in the time and effort required to see progress on what you are actually doing or want to do. Now, if you are not well informed, people will put you in a position that they believe you should be in and you probably won’t like it.
There are lots of benefits when you stick with using the Technology that is right for you and it’s ok if you are not yet sure where you really want to pitch your tent right now. You can find your way once you have an idea of the results you are looking for and start working your way to it while being ready to embrace change and innovate. So, how do you know the Technology that is right for you?
Remember that Technology is the practical application of science or knowledge to solve problems or invent useful tools. You need to know the exact problem(s) you are going to use technology for. Is it to build a solution or promote a solution? To answer this question, you have to first look at what problem you are building a solution for or the solution you are promoting.
How to know what works for YOU?
Remember that Technology is the practical application of science or knowledge to solve problems or invent useful tools. You need to know the exact problem(s) you are going to use technology for. Is it to build a solution or promote a solution? To answer this question, you have to first look at what problem you are building a solution for or the solution you are promoting.
If you already have the answer to what exactly you want Technology to do for you then that’s great, get to work already. If not, look around you. There are problems to solve using technology. I found out that one challenge creatives have is that they believe it has to be a big problem or the solution has to be really complicated but no, you can start working on proffering solutions to simple problems and work your way up from where you are.
There are quite a lot of applications out there that could suit your needs if only you know what to look out for. For example, if you are looking to promote your business, you just want to find the Technology solution that works best to promote your business. A lot of business ventures today are already benefiting from the opportunities available in technology especially in marketing their products and for any business in this present age that still depends solely on the traditional way of promoting their business such as off-line marketing or manual business documentation, they are not doing themselves any good.
With the evolving trend of the technological world, it’s best to take some time to research based on what you think technology should do for your business. Here are a few examples; You can:
- Have access to information from anywhere.
- Use cloud storage facilities for safekeeping, sharing and accessing business files and data
- Maintain great customer and team communication no matter the location.
- Make your business known through an online presence where your target audience can easily find you.
Technology has forever changed the world we live in. We're online, in one way or another, all day long. Our phones and computers have become reflections of our personalities, our interests, and our identities. They hold much that is important to us.
James Comey
Here are a few areas to consider when looking for the most suitable Technology to explore for your career or for business.
If your interest is in building applications that people can use and take advantage of or that can help them do a lot more, then you might want to explore The Software application Development field. To understand how software applications work, you can look at already existing software applications such as: Facebook, Instagram etc to know and understand what kind of solution your software application will be able to solve. If what you are looking for is a software for collaboration, an example of collaborative software application includes, Slack, Google drive etc. An application could also be designed for productivity, social networking, finances.
Enterprise application is encompassing. These kinds of applications are developed for enterprise organisations. IBM, SAP, Microsoft play in this field providing enterprise applications to businesses. For enterprise applications we have the following:
Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP): There are some other organisations who are not IT companies so they would not need to build a new system but may rather use already existing system, e.g banks, financial organisations, agriculture etc, Leverage on this already existing enterprise application, one good thing about enterprise application is that it is customizable. Examples are SAP, Dynamic 365 owned by Microsoft, these are all customizable to suit any business.
Business Intelligence Applications: example PowerBI owned by Microsoft etc, used to better understand business data and carry out analysis.
Messaging and Collaboration Application: example: google meet, Microsoft teams, this helps people in organisations to communicate and collaborate.
There are also certifications online that you can go for if your interest is to venture into software application development and enterprise application.
It is the act of storing your data e.g document, records in a cloud for security purposes in case of any form of disaster. It is a way of business continuity. There are different cloud services and also infrastructure tools that one can learn from e.g AWS (Amazon Web Services), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Azure by Microsoft, these are the big cloud players. There are also training and certifications that you can study and learn, which will help get you prepared for opportunities.
Network management enterprise networking, content delivery network, these will help you understand how systems network and interact with each other.
CUSTOMER CARE: Godaddy, is an example of a customer care service system. The customer care service system helps you reach out to more people in order to render more services to them.
Customer Contact Center: This is another area where technology can be used to render services.
Customer Relationship Management: this has to do with the different things one can do to maintain one’s customers by converting them from just prospects to paying customers. There are technology solutions and platforms that can help you do this, e.g. Zoho, Hubspot, Microsoft (CRM).
Service Chain Management: this is another aspect in which technology can be used to render services.
DATA CENTER AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT: An organization can process data for easy decision making. For example, databases, data warehousing, data quality tools, these are some of the things you can do under data management. Data scientist is another career in data management; it involves data analysis.
HARDWARE INFRASTRUCTURE AND STORAGE: this includes; back-up and restoration, storage solution.
These include: IT Project Management, Infrastructure Project Management, IT Governance, System Management etc.
IT SERVICES: Disaster Recovery Services, IT Consulting Services, I.T Outsourcing, I.T for Manufacturing Solution, IT marketing, IT for supply chain, Wireless mobile Technology.
These are the various areas in IT (Information Technology) that you can explore, therefore, IT is not limited to programming (coding) alone, you can decide to have basic knowledge on different areas in order to prepare yourself for opportunities. Also, it is important to know that it is never too late to pursue a tech career or any other career of interest
1 Comment
So true. Learnt a lot already